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Exhibitions | From 25/04/2010 to 29/05/2010

Homage to Filippo Lippi

Homage to Filippo Lippi

The restoration of three masterpieces of one of the founding fathers of the Italian Renaissance

The exhibition is dedicated to the works by Filippo Lippi and it has been organised on the occasion of the restoration of The Novitiate Altarpiece or Madonna and Child with Saints (c.1440-1445). A sacra conversazione, it originally had a predella painted by Pesellino centred on a Nativity. The panel was probably commissioned by Cosimo the Elder and it was originally intended for the Noviziato chapel in Santa Croce, Florence.

The pradella’s first section is now preserved at the Louvre and the last three sections of the pradella, as well as the main work are at the Uffizi. The visitor has the chance to admire this masterpiece in its integrity thanks to a generous loan from the Louvre Museum in Paris.

The conservatory project funded by Gli Amici degli Uffizi has made possible to restore three masterpieces by Filippo Lippi; The Novitiate Altarpiece and the pradella painted by Francesco Pesellino, and Adorazione del Bambino di Annalena (c.1453), realised for San Vincenzo monastery in Florence. Additional restoration work has involved two other works by the artist: Madonna annunciata; Sant'Antonio Abate and L'arcangelo Gabriele; San Giovanni Battista.

The three restorations presented in the exhibition complete the conservation project on the seven paintings belonging to the Gallery of the great Florentine painter.

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