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The Upper Botanical Garden (Botanica Superiore): Opening Hours

The Upper Botanical Garden (Botanica Superiore) in Boboli is regularly opened to the public every day.

9.00/13.00 – 14.00/16.00 (November, December, January, February)
9.00/13.00 – 14.00/17.00 (March)
9.00/13.00 – 14.00/18.00 (April, May, June, July, August, September, October)

Also known as Pineapple Garden, this enchanting place contains hundreds of different species of aquatic, tropical and subtropical plants in its hectare of extension. It represents the only example of a romantic garden in Boboli, and its restoration lasted many years concerning both the architectural and botanical aspects.

Inside the Botany Garden all national and regional rules apply to counteract the spread of coronavirus. In particular, it is recalled that people with body temperatures above 37.5 degrees are prohibited from entering; it is necessary to keep the interpersonal distance of at least 1.80 m; assemblies of all kinds are prohibited; groups cannot exceed 10 people, and in any case they must always respect the interpersonal distance of 1.80 m; tour guides and teachers must always use the whisper system (microphone and earphones), regardless of the number of members of their group. 

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