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Rights & Reproductions

In compliance with Decree Law no. 83 of 31/05/2014 clause 12.3 turned into in Law no. 106 of 29/07/2014, the reproduction of artworks is free only if realized for non-profit activities, for study, research, free manifestation of individual thought, creative expressions, support of the knowledge of cultural heritage. It is also free to spread the reproductions by any means  except they be furtherly reproduced, also indirectly, for profit activities.  

It is instead expected to pay a fee for every other kind of reproduction both for research and for business purposes according to the FOLLOWING RATES (Download the attached form)  

  • Reproductions for promotional merchandise: from 15% royalties on the price determined and supposed to be paid before receiving the authorization.   

  • Reproductions on book covers with a circulation greater than 1000 copies: EUR  250.

  • Reproductions for exhibitions, leaflets, posters, other kind of promotion by any other media: EUR 250 for each use.

  • Reproductions for permanent exhibitions (for ICOM museums): EUR 250 a year

  • Reproductions for purpose of advertising (concerning a singular State): starting from EUR 3,000 for one year; reproductions through the web or more States: starting from EUR 5,000 for one year; reproductions of artworks particularly iconic (like Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo, etc.): starting from EUR 20,000 for one year.


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